Preach the Gospel to Yourself

“When Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened,’ He assumed we would grow weary, discouraged, and disheartened along the way. These words are a touching testimony to the genuine humanness of Jesus. He had no romantic notion of the cost of discipleship. He knew that following Him was as unsentimental as duty, as demanding as love. He knew that physical pain, the loss of loved ones, failure, loneliness, rejection, abandonment, and betrayal would sap our spirits; that the day would come when faith would no longer offer any drive, reassurance, or comfort; that prayer would lack any sense of reality or progress; that we would echo the cry of Teresa of Avila: ‘Lord, if this is the way you  treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!’”

                                                                   – Brennan Manning “The Ragamuffin Gospel”blog-what-is-the-gospel-16x9

      We all have read the verses that talk about God’s love for us. Hopefully, we’ve heard sermons that reinforce the idea of God’s love, and we have multiple worship songs that do the same. I’d be willing to bet that at some point in your life, you have sung the children’s song “Jesus loves me”. These are all wonderful reminders that God loves you but I want to pose a question to you: If God walked up to you on your worst day (if it could go wrong, it has gone wrong kind of day), stared you in the eyes, and asked ‘Do you believe that I love you,’ how would you answer?

     I believe it’s easy as believers to be sure of His love for us when things are going great, but I know I’ve felt unlovable at times even doubted His love for me when things are rough. This times occur despite knowing that we were never promised an easy life. There are days when my whole walk seems more like a burden than something to actually rejoice over. I’m sure many of you, at one point or another have felt the same way. Old habits that you’ve tried to kick but always seem to slink back into your life. Mistakes that keep being made despite trying to be obedient to what God has called you to do. Feeling like a failure because you haven’t lived up to the God’s standard. And the list just goes on and on.

      If you have ever felt unworthy of God’s love, if you have ever felt like you were never good enough,  if you have ever questioned your faith, etc., let me tell you something. . .IT’S OKAY! I guarantee every great Christian such as Billy Graham, A.W. Tozer, even Billy Graham have all had their moments of doubt. Breathe and let’s talk.

     The above selection from The Ragamuffin Gospel is a beautiful observation about God’s love. No matter what you are going through, believe that God loves you as you are and not some future, perfect version of who you believe you should be. When Jesus hung on that old rugged cross, He made provision for every mistake, sin, setback, and backslide that you would/will ever undergo. God loves you so much that He offered up His son as a final sacrifice! Never again would we have to earn our way into heaven, earn His love, or have to feel condemned when we do mess up. When I see the cross, I see God saying “You are going to mess up at some point but it’s okay! I love you so much, that you will never have to worry about me leaving your side!”

     Meditate on His unfailing love for you! Let it sink down to the deepest parts of your soul, and let it take root so that no matter what you are going through or will go through, you will never doubt that HE LOVES YOU! I believe we ALL need to daily preach the Gospel to ourselves as a constant reminder that WE ARE LOVED! While it seems foolish to many, it is the most powerful message we will ever hear. To me, it reminds me that there is an endless supply of His grace poured out for you whenever you need it!