

     First off, my biggest problem is my pride. I believe many people have the same problem, and while pride isn’t necessarily a bad thing, if left unchecked, it can lead you to some dark places. My life has been super hectic: I work nights as a nurse, I’m in a leadership role and interactions with my co-workers, various patients, and their families can be quite strenuous at times. Also, I  try to manage grad school while doing clinical hours on my days off and try to be there for people when they need me. My pride becomes a problem when I refuse to accept help from others . . .In this scenario, not letting people pray for me.  

     I’m a “fixer” by nature. I love helping people. I have no problem praying for others but I feel guilty/selfish when I ask other people to pray for me. It’s something I’ve been working on but when my pride gets in the way, like it has been doing lately, this causes me to feel isolated. Even though I may be laughing and cutting up with people, deep down, I feel alone!

    Loneliness is one of the worst feelings we can face and I know that at different points in our lives, we have all felt that depressing state of loneliness. I may not know you or have had your experiences but I know what it’s like to feel alone. For me, loneliness means that “no one understands me, I feel like an outcast, and nobody really cares”. One of the easiest ways that the enemy can keep us from pursuing God is by making us feel alone. BUT God’s word shows us that we are NEVER alone!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”       – Joshua 1:9

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”   – Galatians 6:2

     We ALWAYS have God right there walking with us in our deepest hurts and we are blessed that we also have our brothers and sisters in Christ there to help bear our burdens when things seem darkest. I was reminded last week that I don’t have to carry my fears, anxieties, worries, etc by myself because God loves me as do my family and friends!

      God loves you and, more than likely, you have others who love you too! It may sound cliché but meditate on how much He loves (John 3:16-17, Colossians 1:11-12, Psalm 73:26, Exodus 33:13-14, Habakkuk 3:18-19 to name a few passages), and take some peace in knowing there are those people in your life who love you and are always praying for you.

      Remember YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! Don’t let pride, guilt, or whatever insecurities you have keep you in a place of depression or isolation. Press into the Lord and those people in your life who will help bear whatever it is you are trying carry alone. We were made for relationships with our Lord and others, so don’t underestimate the power and freedom in sharing your heart with them!