God Will Provide


      Abraham is the one biblical individual with whom I identify with the most. At times, his faith (like mine) was strong and rock solid, while at other times, it was very questionable. But when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son (the long promised one through which he would continue his lineage), Isaac, he willingly led his son to the slaughter. As they approached the site where the sacrifice would occur, Isaac asked his father, “where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” To this, Abraham simply answered, “God will provide”. Now while I don’t have children of my own, I can only imagine what was going through his head as they climbed the mountain, as he and Isaac built the altar, as he tied Isaac up then placed him on that altar, and more chilling, as he held the knife mere inches away from his son. What amazing faith it took to keep believing God for the best when there was no indication that his son would be spared. But as the story goes, due to his faith, an angel stopped Abraham and God provided a ram to take the place of Isaac (Genesis 22).

     For many of us, it’s very easy to be sidetracked with various things going on in our lives. Jobs, children, sports, relationships, and a plethora of other things easily occupy our thoughts. A lot of times, God tends to take a backseat to life’s other demands. Please don’t feel guilty if this describes you because I have been guilty of the same. The beautiful thing about God is that through the ups and downs in our lives, He is always there! When things are crazy in our lives and we’re not sure how we’re going to make it, remember that He is always there and that HE WILL PROVIDE! He is our Rock and our Strength! Our strength WILL fail at points and this will cause us to doubt, lose focus, and become preoccupied with other things, but rest in His strength because through Him nothing is impossible! We have nothing to fear or worry about when we face tough times because we have His peace. This peace is something no other force, circumstance, or person can take away from us because His son overcame the world!


 John 16:33 – “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

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